The Brimrose Free Space Cavity Dumper is typically used in a mode-locked laser cavity to separate a single optical pulse from the pulsed energy circulating. As a result, nearly all the laser energy is dumped out of the resonant cavity in the form of a single optical pulse. A cavity-dumper offers high peak power and higher repetition frequencies.
- Free Space
- High Diffraction Efficiency
- Small Size
- UV-VIS Optical Range
- Brewster Angle Incidence
- High Modulation Bandwidth
- Up to 400 MHz Frequency
- Higher Repetition frequencies
- Laboratory Version
- Custom Configurations Available
- Mode-Locked Lasers for Generating Ultrashort Pulses with Higher Pulse Energies
- Injection and Extraction of Pulses in a Regenerative Amplifier
- OEM Designs
Brimrose Free Space Acousto-Optic Devices
- MHz to 3 GHz Frequency Shift Ranges
- High Modulation Bandwidth up to 400 MHz
- Fast Modulation Speed <5 nsec Rise Time
- High Diffraction Efficiency
- UV to LWIR Wavelength Ranges
- High Optical Damage Threshold